We have a new kids CD here at our house. It's only 5 songs long, but I'll gladly listen to it on repeat for over an hour.
Even when the kids aren't around.
WHAT?!? Yeah, I was totally stunned when I caught myself doing that for the first time. I mean, I forgot I was listening to a children's CD, how often does that happen?
With kid friendly lyrics and fun upbeat music you should definitely check out Lucky Diaz and The Family Jam Band. Once you hear them you'll totally understand.
Here's my sum up of how great this CD is: This Old Man. Even though the lyrics are the same ones you learned in kindergarten the fantastically updated beat made it feel like a new song. This is the best remake version of a traditional kids song that I have ever heard and I'm glad to introduce my girls to this version first. (Maybe we could start a petition for Lucky Diaz and The Family Jam Band to work their magic with "Wheels on the Bus" too?)
My favorite song though is Explorer. Every time it comes on I find myself tapping my toes and singing along. In fact, I've added it to my grown up playlists making Explorer the first, and only, children's song to enter into my 'mommy time.'
Need some more convincing just how great the Luckiest Adventure album by Lucky Diaz and The Family Jam Band is? Check out the Customer Reviews left for them on iTunes. I have a strong suspicion that I'm not the only one expectantly waiting for another album to be released... (hint hint)
GET YOUR OWN: You can buy the entire Luckiest Adventure album by Lucky Diaz and The Family Jam Band for only $4.95 from iTunes. How great of a deal is that?
*I was provided with the Luckiest Adventure album in order to conduct this review. The opinions provided really are my own.
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