SHANNON {owner} :: the fashionista
shannon is a wordy, type-A, OCD momma to FOUR little ladies and wife to her perfect match of 14 years now. she will run for fun, emotional stability, wine and more importantly {chocolate}. shoes, bags, baubles, traveling and babies are her vice. she loves anything fashion and is loving every second of having 4 little fashionistas in training! {life motto :: Phil 4:13}
Read more of Shannon’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
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JAIME {owner} :: the artist
jaime is a mama of three sweet littles. she lives life day by day and is passionate about natural living and organic products. she loves to snuggle, blog and take photos. she has an eye for design and loves to sip on wine. sunflowers cheer her up. she also loves to travel and learn whenever time allows.
Read more of Jaime’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Jaime on her blog, twitter, pinterest, instagram and Google+.
EMILY {contributor} :: the social media maven
emily is a part time freelance writer, wife, and mother to four unintentionally hilarious little kids. emily used to rant and rave about urban life and living in downtown Indianapolis on her personal blog,, but is now living the life in Belgium for a bit.
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Find more of Emily on her blog, twitter, pinterest, facebook and Google+.
CARINN {contributor} :: the foodie
carinn is a homeschooling mom to 2 adventurous girls & 1 go-with-the-flow son. married to her best friend, she is a night owl in a house of morning people who runs on coffee, chocolate, & prayers. when not off exploring the mitten state she enjoys books, music, & binge watching shows on netflix. her love of foods & a deep desire to fit into her pants motivates her attempts to keep up with simple mom ginny on fitbit.
Read more of Carinn’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Carinn on her blog, twitter, pinterest, instagram and Google+.
GINNY {contributor} :: the penny pincher
ginny is a follower of Christ, a happy wife, & a mom to 3. jack, annabelle, & charlie think she’s the best ever (cuz they aren’t teenagers yet). ginny is a midwest transplant to the west coast. she’s in full-time Christian ministry with her husband, has a passion for living frugally {hello, CA is expensive}, is not too crafty, loves to redecorate, must reach 10k fitbit steps daily, & is an avid coca cola & oreo consumer.
Read more of Ginny’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Ginny on twitter, facebook, pinterest and Google+.
STACEY {contributor} :: the techie
stacey is a science nerd, married to a tech geek, raising three kids who all have very different personalities. add in their lazy boxer and it makes for an interesting life. stacey is an aspiring children’s book author who is working her way through her life list and finds solace in chocolate and margaritas.
Read more of Stacey’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Stacey on her blog, twitter, pinterest, facebook and instagram.
GINA {contributor} :: the bookworm
gina is a mom to three and is often in the kitchen cooking and baking. she loves having her backyard filled with friends and soaks up the summer as long as she can. she and her husband of 15 years love to play soccer, go paddleboarding and go on other adventures together. in what remains of her spare time, she frequently has her nose in a book and looks for any reason for a girls night (or weekend) out.
Read more of Gina’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Gina on facebook and pinterest.
SHANDA {contributor} :: the babywearer
shanda is a stay at home mom who tells the dust to go to sleep so she can hold her babies. she believes life is too short not to dance in the rain with her hubby, eat lots of chocolate and laugh often! she loves making memories and capturing them on her camera (she’s quite the shutterbug and freelance photographer). addicted to frozen cokes, sunshine, babywearing, and Jesus! her life verse is Psalm 19:14
Read more of Shanda’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more about Shanda on her blog, facebook, twitter, and pinterest.
LAURA {contributor} :: the teacher
laura is a 1st grade teacher taking a break from the classroom as a stay at home mom. she is still adjusting from life in the busy city to rural farm life. she and her hubby of 9 years are soaking up every minute with their little boy and are excited to meet their sweet baby girl in early december. she loves a good cup of coffee, the beach, visiting family, paper crafts, trying out recipes in her kitchen, and spending time in her garden.
Read more of Laura’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Laura on facebook, pinterest and Instagram.
SARAH {contributor}
sarah is a creative, DIY kind of girl, married to her high school sweetheart, and mom to three energetic kids. she loves Jesus and has a passion for youth ministry, is slightly ADD, addicted to coffee and sewing, and believes life is better in sparkly shoes. as a homeschool mom, her go-to verse is Proverbs 22:6.
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Read more of Shannon’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more from Shannon on her blog, twitter, pinterest, facebook, instagram and Google+.
JAIME {owner} :: the artist

Read more of Jaime’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Jaime on her blog, twitter, pinterest, instagram and Google+.
EMILY {contributor} :: the social media maven

Read more of Emily’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Emily on her blog, twitter, pinterest, facebook and Google+.
CARINN {contributor} :: the foodie

Read more of Carinn’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Carinn on her blog, twitter, pinterest, instagram and Google+.
GINNY {contributor} :: the penny pincher

Read more of Ginny’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Ginny on twitter, facebook, pinterest and Google+.
STACEY {contributor} :: the techie

Read more of Stacey’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Stacey on her blog, twitter, pinterest, facebook and instagram.
GINA {contributor} :: the bookworm

Read more of Gina’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Gina on facebook and pinterest.
SHANDA {contributor} :: the babywearer

Read more of Shanda’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more about Shanda on her blog, facebook, twitter, and pinterest.
LAURA {contributor} :: the teacher

Read more of Laura’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!
Find more of Laura on facebook, pinterest and Instagram.
SARAH {contributor}

Read more of Sarah’s posts on theSIMPLEmoms!!