Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rockabye Baby!

A few months back I introduced you all to Rockabye Baby! (initial review here.)  If you're not familiar, "Rockabye Baby transforms timeless rock songs into beautiful instrumental lullabies. Guitars and drums are traded for soothing mellotrons, vibraphones and bells, and the volume is turned down from an eleven to a two. Rockabye Baby is the perfect way to share the music you love with the littlest rocker in your life."

Now, don't think that Rockabye Baby! is just for the under 1 crowd. Both my girls enjoy dancing to our Rockabye Baby! CDs and I love that I can listen to versions of my favorite rock songs without having to worry about not so appropriate lyrics. Plus, they're just FUN!!!

Here's what Rockabye Baby! CDs we have been rotating through lately: 

Lullaby Renditions of Bon Jovi:  In my mind Bon Jovi is classic, like blue jeans and white tee shirts.  I frequently find myself adding in the lyrics for hits such as "Livin' On A Prayer" and "Wanted Dead Or Alive".

Lullaby Renditions of Pearl Jam: Having completed High School in the 90's there is no possible way that I could not know Pearl Jam.  The lullaby versions of such songs as "Alive" and "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" remind me how much I will never miss flannel, but I could totally miss the extra pounds I've picked up since those days...

Lullaby Renditions of Black Sabbath: Every time I listen the "Iron Man" I giggle.  Yeah, giggle.  It's the musical equivalent of watching a cartoon where the Fairy Godmother magically turns a three-headed fire breathing monster into a helpless fluffy kitten.  {giggle*giggle}  See? There I go again (the fact that in my imagination I'm headbanging along doesn't help me stop).

Lullaby Renditions of Kanye West: While the lullaby version of "Stronger" will never make it onto my running mix, I can't help myself from dancing every time it or "Heartless" starts to play. 

Rockabye Baby! :: $16.98 :: Choose your favorite rock turned instrumental lullabies to introduce to your little ones.  They currently have 36 different titles available.


*I was provided these Rockabye Baby! titles in order to
conduct this review. The opinions provided are my own*


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