Saturday, April 24, 2010

Go Green and Healthy with SILK & Terra Wellington

I was recently able to participate in a Q&A session presenting Terra Wellington the author a book entitled The Mom's Guide to Growing Your Family Green.

I think the idea of "going green" appeals to us all.... but then we get overwhelmed by all the extreme measures of others. I was really encouraged by the topics and suggestions that Terra presented from her book!!! Here were my 3 favorites:

  1. Going to bed 1/2 hour earlier:) Good for your body, good for reducing energy costs in your house and uses less energy all together!!
  2. Using natural light! This is totally easier in the warmer weather months! But basically turn off lights and let the SUN shine in. Or better yet GO outside. Uses less energy in the house and the sunlight is helpful for the body's absorption of calcium:)
  3. Choosing products that come from companies that have a sincere dedication to be environmentally conscience in production, packing and supporting legitimate environmental causes!!

My house is a SILK home. We all have dairy allergies, for years now we have used SILK soymilk for drinking and baking. We love the flavor and are thankful for the healthy alternative to dairy that SILK provides. I am tickled that SILK is also a company is sincerely dedicated to the environment....

With the Green Cap campaign, SILK is giving US the ability to choose the company - BEF (wind energy) or FarmAid(local farmers)- that they will donate to for each green cap counted. You can participate by purchasing SILK and then entering the code HERE! By participating you are also entered to win a $40,000 Green Life Makeover or a smart fortwo car!!!



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