Saturday, March 19, 2011

Beco Gemini & PAXbaby

Nothing makes my outings easier as a mother of a baby and older children than my Beco!!! I have LOVED the Beco Butterfly and have worn Nate in it since he was just 2 weeks old... couldn't have done Disney with a 6 month old and 3 very busy kids without it!! Or weekly grocery shops, library visits and field trips:)

A few months ago I found that Beco had come out with a new style. A gem called the Gemini:) I was eager to try it out since I have treasured the quality, simplicity and comfort of the Beco Butterfly.

One of the limitations with the Butterfly was that my curious little man always had to face in toward me when he wanted to see out! But with the Gemini there are 4 different positions... yes, 4!!! The traditional front facing in and on the back, but also front facing out and a hip carrying position!!

Here some other of my favorite things about the Gemini:
  • the 100% organic cotton was soo soft:)

  • the straps are wide and very cushioned which made wearing my 20+ lb baby very comfortable

  • in the hip carry position, it was nice having Nate in the front where I could make eye contact with him, but not RIGHT in front of me!!

  • I love the headrest!! You can see that it's still folded down in my picture, but when Nate is sleeping I can easily use it to support his head versus having a removable headrest that doesn't always make it into the minivan or the store:)

  • I found it very user-friendly!! The directions are very straightforward and using the carrier in the different positions was pretty simple.

  • And it can be used from newborn to 35lbs!

I wouldn't be an honest reviewer if I didn't share that while wearing Nate in the front carrying positions the shoulder straps felt very wide, almost on the ball of my shoulders versus right in the middle. I really attribute it to my petite frame!! The shoulder straps can be crossed in the back, too, so I might try that the next time Nate is hanging out in the front:) Or let my husband carry him in the Gemini, he has already volunteered:)

Jillian at PAXbaby is a VERY experienced babywearer and is happy to help you find a carrier - wrap, sling, or soft-structured carrier- that fits you, your style and your baby:) Gotta love an amazing WAHM of 5 kiddos!!!!

And not only can PAXbaby find the carrier for you, but they can also customize it with your favorite fabrics, logos and add-ons (like a Mai Poketto). Find out more at how to Pimp My Carrier;)

Get One!
Beco Gemini - $129.00

PAXbaby has an incredible selection of beautiful carriers as well as free shipping and a 90 day return policy!! And check out the sale on some of their discontinued Beco carriers.

*I was provided with a Beco Gemini in Expresso for this review from Beco, by way of The opinions are my own;)

** Sorry about the really "sleepy" looking pic... still waiting for those blissful full nights of sleep:)


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