We love all their new songs, but her hands down favorite is "Pretty Princess." Besides for randomly signing the lyrics to herself while playing around the house, she just has to join in any time she actually hears it playing. Here's a little video of her singing along. Usually her face is lit up with a GIANT smile while singing "Pretty Princess" but she was being self-conscious because she knew I was taping. :)
The songs on this album are quirky, upbeat and catchy. Many of the songs are girl-centered which is good to know if you have a little boy, but if you have a little girl in your life I think she would be happily singing along to Oh Lucky Day! very quickly!
Oh Lucky Day! CD :: $9.99 :: available for download though iTunes
*I was provided with the CD shown above in order to conduct this review using personal experience. The opinions provided are my own.*
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