Thursday, July 17, 2008

Preserve Everday -- Kitchen edition

Green your home with Preserve's® everyday eco-friendly solutions. Preserve makes stylish, high performance personal care, tableware and kitchen products that are green to the core. Preserve Tableware is a new version of the disposable tablewear. But you better not throw away my plastic plates! Made from 100% recycled plastic, Preserve plates, tumblers, and cutlery are dishwasher safe, reusable, and recyclable in communities that recycle #5 plastic.
Tree huggers rejoice: Eating outdoors can be guilt-free thanks to Preserve's reusable plates and cutlery. Preserve gives new life to Stoneyfield Farm yogurt containers by squashing them into new shapes, such as plates, forks and knives. Their colorful serveware is dishwasher safe and meant to last for years. Plus, unlike saggy paper plates, the sturdy 10" plastic plate can withstand a whopping slice of a cantelope!Have you ever heard of Child tested - Mother approved? Well I put Preserve to the MAN Test. (Theres nothing like a man with a knife to test a plate!)

Recently I was asked if I would like to try a couple Recycline products out. I was quick to say yes since I still hadn’t gotten around to purchasing a new colander I jumped at the chance! New cutting boards too? YESSS! I do not regret one bit throwing out my antique colander or my cracked cutting board...I LOVE PRESERVE! My chopping boards have stood the test of time...the weeks that I've had them I have been brutal. Still in tip top shape!

Buy it: Preserve makes living green easier and fun. Preserve is made in the USA and sold at 7,000+ retailers. To find one near you, visit

[Mason and Terris babbling Mama]


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