Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sesame Street Building Sets by K'Nex

Knex ReviewNow that Caleb is getting a bit older, I've noticed his interest in creating things has peaked.

Caleb isn't much for drawing... or painting.
Unlike his mama he just doesn't have the desire to create art on paper :-)

BUT... he does have a desire to build and create things in a different way.

He enjoys stacking blocks and building houses....

Or, with the new Sesame Street Building sets, he gets to enjoy building characters or anything he can think up.

K'Nex are always fun. You can get all sorts of different kits and inter twine them. This gives your child the ability to create in a unique way.

So if your child is like mine and doesn't prefer a marker or crayon, why not try K'Nex.


Buy it: You can check out the new line of Sesame Street Building sets over at the K'Nex website.


1 comment:

  1. I didn't know they made these now. They're just too cute! My son LOVES anything Sesame Street.


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