Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Last Minute Gift Ideas...

Time is ticking on the shopping clock for the holiday season of 2008. Here a couple sweet toys that have made it under our tree:

For my one year old:
Bright Beginnings Princess Castle by Russ Baby ($25)
Why I love it: It's perfect for my little girl who is just starting to really "play with toys". Its soft, brightly colored and each piece features different tactile textures. The prince, princess and dragon each make a rattle or squeak, perfect for keeping her interested and engaged.

The best part of this plush toy is that it's self contained. When she's done playing with it, I just throw all the pieces back into the castle and close it up. I love this feature because it's easy to keep all the pieces together. This toy is perfect for weekend road trips trips to Grandma's.

For my four year old daughter:
My Little Pony Anniversary Collector Set by Hasbro ($29.99)
Why I love it: My Little Pony brand made it's toy debut when I was 5 years old (yes, 25 years ago). This collector set features 7 core ponies from back in the day.

When I play with the ponies, I'm immediately nostalgic to when I was a little girl. Giving this set of ponies to my daughter this Christmas; I hope they spark her imagination like they did mine so many years ago.
And guess what, they smell the same! You know what I'm talking about, that signature My Little Pony smell...they have it. Talk about a walk down memory lane!

Both these great gift ideas can be purchased at many stores across the country and online at Amazon.


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