I have preschoolers at home and I use High Five magazine for reading time together and to incorporate monthly holiday activities into our days! I like how they all scramble on the couch to see the pictures of the magazine, do the crafts/activites and will spend time later flipping through the magazine on their own. It's been a great and fun resource for us!
GET YOUR OWN! Get a 1 yr (12 issues) subscription for under $35, that's less than $3 per issue!! It's a great gift for your own kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews or little friends:)
WIN YOUR OWN! The folks at Highlights are offering a lucky SIMPLE reader a free 1-yr subscription to Hightlights or High Five! To enter, visit Highlights.com and tell us why you'd like to Highlights or HighFive to come to your house.
For extra entries:
- Blog this giveaway, linking to SIMPLE and Highlights.
- Tweet this giveaway (include us and Highlights in your tweet, we're @simplereviews and they're @Highlights)
- Be a follower of SIMPLE :)
This contest ends September 5th!
*Thank you to Highlights for the years of enjoyment! We also look forward to the subscription given to our family by Highlights.
I loved Highlights as a kid. My favorite was the hidden picture pages! They have the best ones!
ReplyDeleteI am a huge fan. As a former educator I know how much kids love these. My daughter would have a blast with all the puzzles.
ReplyDeleteI have a pre-schooler and a Kindergartener who absolutely love learning. We get Highlights samples in the mail from time to time and they love doing the puzzles. I remember my parents got it for us when we were little and how much I enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have this for my kids because I had it has a kid. I love the hidden picture page and the stories! =) Please enter me.
ReplyDeletemommainflipflops AT gmail.com
Follower of your blog.
ReplyDeleteOh, when we were young, we never minded going to the doctor or dentist because both had "prescriptions" (our word) to Highlights. Then, as a mom, I got MY kids their own prescriptions! I'd love to introduce the next generation to Highlights!
ReplyDeleteI loved this magazine as a kid. The best part is the craft projects.
would be great for my kids.
ReplyDeleteI loved Highlights as a kid as well and have been receiving their flyers in the mail just recently - I was going to ask for a subscription for my daughter for Christmas, but I'd rather win one!
ReplyDeleteI loved this magazine as a kid and would like to pass it on.
ReplyDeleteloved it as a kid and would love for my kids to have the chance at it
ReplyDeleteI'd really love to win the Highlights magazine for my children. I grew up reading Highlights and really feel that the magazines helped me learn to read. I'd love to win this subscription to help my kids get a head start too. thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have a subscription. We are homeschooling this year and I think my son would really enjoy using this as a supplement for learning.
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower. =)
ReplyDeletewow this brings back memories
ReplyDeleteI loved highlights
I always loved the hidden pictures too!
because it is fun mverno@roadrunner.com
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win a Highlights subscription for my God-daughter. I don't know anyone who did not like the games/brain teasers from it.
ReplyDeleteI would like High Five to come to our house because my 7 year old already gets Highlights and I feel like my preschooler could use a magazine of his own.
ReplyDeleteI am a follower of your blog.
ReplyDeletemy dentist always had highlights and I always wanted to take them home. We have checked a few out of the library but Princess A would love to be able to keep them and actualy write in them
ReplyDeleteI'd like Highlights or HighFive to come to your house because my daughter would love the stories, puzzles and jokes, I'm sure. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI blogged: http://wut-givz.blogspot.com/2009/08/simple-reviews-highlights-giveaway.html
ReplyDeleteI tweeted: http://twitter.com/sunnyview99/status/3643185962
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog on Google Friend Connect (Sunny View)!
ReplyDeleteAt the beginning of each school year, we would be given a chance to subscribe to Highlights at a discounted rate. I made sure that note always made it home to my mom. Finding the hidden pictures was my favorite part of the magazine. I would love to introduce my preschooler to Highlights. Thanks!
Highlights is the best -- especially the hidden pictures and the jokes. My sons would love to get it in the mail!
I want Highlights bc I read it as a kid - it'd be nostalgic!
ReplyDeletemy chidren love it when they get mail. A subscription would be a fun thing where they could get mail on a regular basis
ReplyDeleteMy kids love this magazine. There are tons of great activities and stories plus their dad and I love the Hidden Pictures.
ReplyDeleteMy little grandson loves Highlights High Five. He is so good at the hidden picture puzzles. I've been wanting to get him a sub but finances are too tight. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteeswright18 at gmail dot com
Highlights is a staple of childhood! I'd love to win a subscription for K & B!
ReplyDeleteMy son loves to get mail too. He gets so excited! And we love doing activity books together, so Highlights would be a great way to have new puzzles and activities each month. Thanks for the chance to enter!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/MommaStaciA/status/3654952675
I LOVE Highlights! I always looked forward to getting it as a child, and I'd love to have my son excited about it as well.
ReplyDeletegitrecca at gmail dot com
I'd like Highlights to come to my house because I loved it when I was a kid, and my children are just about the perfect age to really be able to enjoy reading it!
ReplyDeleteroseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow Simple. :)
ReplyDeleteroseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I tweeted about the giveaway:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I would love Highlights to come to my house because I loved it as a child!!
I loved highlites as a kid-- my sone would love the high five mags! momconnection@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteHighlights was my fav when I was growing up! I would love for my son to enjoy them as much as I did. The hidden pictures and puzzles are the best!
I also enjoyed highlights as a kid and have borrowed them from the library for my own kids. I love all the stories and little activities and advice.
I'd love to have it sent to my nephew. He would enjoy it. Thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeleteI used to get highlights in the mail when I was little I loved it and looked forward to it. My niece loves to get mail and is now too old for the Imagination Library books (she's 5) and was just asking if she'd be able to get anything in the mail still. She'd love this.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to get HighFive because I know my daughter would be thrilled to look through each one!
ReplyDeleteI have such great memories of reading Highlights when I was a kid! I would love to share that with my sons! Thanks for the entry!
ReplyDeleteI would choose to have High Five come to our house because I am homeschooling my 4 year old this year and this would be a great resource to use!
I follow your blog!
What a fun memory from childhood! Our dentist always had Highlights in the waiting room. I'd love to share High Five with my daughter.
ReplyDeleteI follow!
ReplyDeleteGreat craft projects - and my 4 year old loves to get mail!
ReplyDeletetweet http://twitter.com/phxbne/status/3717049562
ReplyDeleteHighlights is an awesome magazine for kids. It provides educational as well as entertaining content for children. I would love to be able to sit down with my 3 year old son every month to review the latest issue!
My granddaughter would love this. She likes to get magazines in the mail! Something new every month.
ReplyDeletepkildow at gmail dot com
My family would like this because everytime we go to the doctors office she loves looking through these mags. She expectually likes the section with the artwork that other kids drew and the page where you have to find items hidden in the big picture (which I am horrible at LOL) Thanks for the chance!
I teach at an after-school program and would love to add Highlights to the classroom library. I so loved it as a child!
I have 2 small kids and they would love this.
I would like to win Highlights because my younger kids would love it. I didn't get it as a kid but my school did. I loved reading Highlights especially the Hidden Picture Puzzle.
Oh I loved this as a child! I loved the hidden pictures page and just all of it! Thanks :)
I loved Highlights as a kid. I didn't realize that they were still around. My kids would love the hidden pictures.
ReplyDeleteI loved Hightlights, and I was so happy to recently see that there was a High Fives! I went over to the website and like that there is an online component to the monthly issues.
ReplyDeleteI tweeted this contest here: http://twitter.com/usefultool/status/3733861603
ReplyDeleteEntry #3 - I am now a follower on Twitter (@usefultool).
ReplyDeleteI loved Highlights magazine as a kid and would love to get it for my own children!
ReplyDeleteI would love to get high five for my daughter because I love to read to her and it would be great for her to get something educational in the mail every month.
ReplyDeleteykatrina at hotmail dot com
My son has gotten a few "pre-loved" copies of Highlights and has loved it! He is able to read the stories and loves the puzzles
ReplyDeletespeechforme gmail
I follow you
ReplyDeletespeechforme gmail
tweet: http://twitter.com/speech_hero/status/3747440309
ReplyDeletespeechforme gmail
I remember reading this mag when I was younger, so I would love to share it with my kids.
ReplyDeleteI had a subscription when I was a kid, and I loved it. My daughter and I have made crafts from various Highlights magazines (the lady bug purse being her all-time favorite) so I'd love to win the subscription for her.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I follow (mail4rosey).
I would love Highlights for my brother's family. We loved it as kids and I know his little ones would love it as well. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteI loved Highlights as a kid! My folks couldn't afford a subscription for us so we always got it second hand with the puzzles done and the hidden pictures circled but I still LOVED it! I know my kids would enjoy it just as much as I did.
I tweeted
I like that there is games plus stories to read
ReplyDeletetiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I would love to have these for my grandchildren.....i loved these as a child ...i know they are great cure to the "im bored" statement..
I want my daughter to read this bec its free of advertisements...
ReplyDeleteMy daughter would love Highlights -- I remember really enjoying the games and stories when I was a kid!
I am a follower.
I also loved these growing up. Recently I got some of their Hidden picture playground books at a yardsale and my kids have been devouring them! 3pinktrees at gmail
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this for my granson!
For my niece Hannah!
I would like this b/c, as the website says, it is educational and fun. My preschooler would like the High Five.
ReplyDeletesmilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love to have highlights come to my home because I home school my daughter and I think these magazines are very educational.
ReplyDeleteI know my 7 year old would love highlights. I know I would have liked to read more of it when I was younger ( the only time I read it was when I was in the doctor's office). Thankyou
I am following on Twitter. Thank you
I loved Highlights myself when I was a child, and that is why I would love to win. I know my son would love to have a subscription of his own, what better reason to want to win....pleasing my little one. This is a super excellent giveaway. The colorful and educational aspect makes them memorable and desirable.
ReplyDeleteI am a follower of Simple!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to win this for my nephew. I always loved Highlights as a kid, and would read every issue cover to cover. I want him to have the same chance to enjoy them!
ReplyDeleteurchiken at gmail dot com
I loved highlights as a kid.My kids would love the hidden pictures and stickers you get.Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy girls love getting their own mail and also love to look through magazines. I know they would really enjoy all the activities in Highlights. I remember looking at them when I was young and they were a ton of fun. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI loved Highlights when I was a kids so it would be great to share it with my daughters. Plus we need some learning activities to do with her and this would be great.
ReplyDeleteI loved Highlights as a kid. My favorite was the hidden picture pages:)
ReplyDeletei love the highlights i always loved the stories thanks for the chance to win for my kids eaglesforjack@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed Highlights as a child and would love to have a subscription for my boys. Thanks! goodwitchglinda at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI get highfive for my 5 yr old,it is great we go through it together!
ReplyDeleteIt has stories/seek/find/crafts it is great
Highlight was a magazine I enjoyed as a child, it is also I magazine currently use in my preschool classroom along with Ranger. Thanks for the giveaway
ReplyDeletesharr1226 at yshoo dot com
I'd love to win High Five for my toddler because it's the only periodical I know of suitable for a 2 year old!
ReplyDeleteI would like Highlights or HighFive to come to my house because they look very educational!
ReplyDeletewe love this magazine. One of my girls got a subscription last year for her b-day & it just ran out... It's almost her b-day again & it'd be fun to keep getting it. It is so exciting for them every time a new issue arrives in the mail.
ReplyDeleteI loved Highlights as a kid. My favorite was the hidden picture pages! They have the best ones!
ReplyDeletefacebook fan rajee pandi
ReplyDeleteblogged here http://momsfocusonline.com/cool-giveaways.html
ReplyDeleteI love that HighFive includes a mix of stories and puzzles appropriate for my preschooler!
ReplyDeleteheatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net