Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Radian XTSL Car Seat by Sunshine Kid's

If you have a baby... or are about to have a baby, you are now entering or have entered ;-) - the car seat stage...

There are so many to choose from, it really can become overwelming.

IMG_2468I have tried a few carseats since becoming a mom, over 6 years ago - and I must say... I have found my favorite now.

Ive always been a graco girl, and I will not lie, I still love my sons Graco Nautilus very much... however, now that I have been introduced to the Radian XTSL, it will be hard to use anything but it.

The Radian XTSL is created not only to serve as a very secure and safe carseat for your baby-toddler-child, but it also is smartly designed. If you are like me and have many children in carseats, you will appreciate how Sunshine Kid's made this seat. It is NARROW and fits so much nicer. I was just amazed at the difference in space used between the Radian and my Graco seat. HUGE difference. I use to have to bend around the carseat to buckle my baby in, it was a tight fit rear facing... with the Radian in, that is not the case. I have plenty of room to get myself in and baby.

A Radian will cost you more than most Gracos, but take this in consideration...
They have a longer life than most Graco's. Many of you may not know this (I didnt until a few years ago) but carseats expire. Graco models expire every 3-6 years... the Radian is good for 8.

So if you are like me, and want your child to stay in a car seat as long as possible, get a Radian. It will be the only seat your child needs!

GET YOUR OWN: Sunshine kids not only makes the Radian, but also boosters and more. These seats are HEAVY AS LED (a good thing IMO!) - and super easy to buckle. You will not be disappointed.

WIN YOUR OWN: In case you missed it, Im giving away a winners choice of a Radian! The giveaway on this seat expires this weekend, SO SIGN up while you still can.

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Sunshine Kids provided me with a Radian carseat, to showcase and review on SIMPLE. These thoughts are my own.


  1. it will not allow me to comment! CAN YOU PLEASE add me? I follow sunshine kids on facebook and i love any print....eclipse and shadow the most. here is hoping!!!!!!!

  2. escalatinglights at hotmail dot com


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