I don't think it is any secret that we really like music around here. I am constantly looking for fun new CDs for my girls and Parry Gripp's, Do You Like Waffles? is definitely that.
At just over 17 minutes long, Do You Like Waffles? is made up of 24 very short, very catchy, food-themed tracks. "The Ballad of Melvin The Magical Hotdog" is the epic story of Melvin The Magical Hotdog and is the longest track on the CD at barely over 1 minute.
I have caught myself singing the title track "Do You Like Waffles?" every time I make waffles lately (and that's pretty often since we just got a new waffle maker). My three year old made me play "Midnight Snack" over and over until she had it memorized.
Every time the first song on this CD starts, my three year old starts dancing around and asks "Mom! Wanna have a dance party?!?" Of course! :)
I think this CD is a keeper and if you want a fun, silly CD to enjoy with your kids at home or in the car I highly recommend Parry Gripp's, Do You Like Waffles?
GET YOUR OWN!!! For $10 you can pick up Parry Gripp's, Do You Like Waffles? CD from Oglio Records' online store, iTunes, and Amazon. For some extra fun, visit Parry Gripp's webpage to get the "Parry Gripp Song of The Week"!
*I was provided with the Do You Like Waffles? CD free of charge to conduct this review. The opinions provided are my own.
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