Here I am again touting one of my favorite brands of toys - b. toys!
I previously featured two of their toys, the H2-Whoa and their Okideoke. You can read that post HERE.
Today I am talking about their Whacky Ball, their Wheeee-mote Control and their Hellophone.
From the second Adalynn saw both of the items pictured above, she was instantly attracted. I don't know if it is the colors, or if it is just how cool the product are. Either way, they are some of her TOP TOYS right now. It is so fun watching her learn as she goes. When she first started using Whacky Ball, she couldn't quite hit the balls with the hammer on the first try, but now she is a total pro. And she knows it!! It has a cool little maze the balls need to go through too before landing at the bottom to be "whacked" again!
The Wheeee-Mote Control, totally awesome! You know how some remote control cars take an adult to figure them out? Well this one is perfect! Lili and Adalynn just pick up this car and start driving it around. Lots of laughs! Tons of sounds and beeping for their enjoyment. Spins and turns when hits things. The remote works from across the room too! And...pause for effect...there is an auto turn off feature. Hallelujah! No more toys running in the background! ;)

I haven't even mentioned price-point on these products. But it is SO incredibly reasonable. As I mentioned in the previous post I had on SIMPLE, I have purchased many of b. toys' products since learning more about them. I will continue to purchase these as gifts too because the response from all the parents and children that the gifts go to is great!
Be sure to follow b. toys on their Facebook and Twitter pages.
Whacky Ball
Wheeee-mote Control
For instant purchasing choices, click HERE to be directed over to their "Where to Buy" section or head on over to your nearest Target store as they carry this brand!
I love these toys!!! Need to get some new ones for Macy!!