Sunday, December 16, 2007

Baby Jamz!

Most of us know who Beyonce Knowles is. If you don't maybe "Destiny's Child" rings a bell... or Foxy Cleopatra from Austin Powers? If you still don't know who I'm talking about lets just say shes an actress/singer. :-)

Mathew Knowles (Beyonce's Dad) is a partner with Planet Toys. He helped Co-Create and launch the 1st ever Hip-Hop/Rhythm inspired toy line for babies and preschoolers. Its called Baby Jamz!

I love music! Caleb, Taite and I listen to music every day. I think it helps children play better... not sure why but it does w/ my two boys :-)

It drives me nuts though when Taite plays with some of the toys we own that play these annoys tunes... they just don't sound very good. You moms know exactly what I'm talking about!

Mr. Knowles grandson Julez was the inspiration for this. Most of the nursery songs are sung by Beyonces sister Solange Knowles.

We received the ...

Baby Jamz key Chain! This is key chain is sooo adorable. Not only does it look cute but it sounds great. Instead of annoying "beep beep beep" sounds it plays fun hip hop nursery tunes. The thing that blew me away the most was how clear and smooth the sounds were. Two outside keys have flip out buttons to expand and fold back to create a "life like" feel. Pulling the middle key creates the sound of a car starting.

Taite and Caleb both have enjoyed this little key set and I'm sure the rest of our kids (in the future) will as well.

We also got the fun Baby Jamz Boom Box Shape Sorter. This one has real songs in it (by real I mean singing)! When you push the shapes they light up and plays nursery hip-hop rhymes by Solange Knowles. The mircophone has 3 buttons that kids can press to create cool add-in sounds to each song. "Boomer" the boom box has an adorable appearance. Nursery rhymes included are "Hip-Hop Buckle my Shoe," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (my fav) and "Wheels on the Bus."

Along with these two great toys they also have the Baby Jamz Mix Master Chair, Baby Jamz Dance Mat and Baby Jamz Cell Phone.

Check out these sites to learn more about Baby Jamz line...
and if you are curious about the world music entertainment you can read more about them at .

Posted by Drea

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