Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Feline Pine Litter Box Review

The "bestest" present my daughter Providence received for Christmas was a kitten; and despite our constant scratches she has been a most welcome addition to our little family. Except for the litter box. The dust, the smell, not knowing what kinds of chemicals I was introducing to the cat and into my home, and of course wondering what would become of the litter once thrown away caused me to search for an alternative.

There are many alternatives out there but the one I was drawn to was Feline Pine 100% chemical free and 100% recycled, I found it at a local pet store. It gives instructions with the Original Feline Pine on how to transition the litter for your cat, and it went very smoothly. I had tried the clumping kind first and the transition was NOT smooth at all, I didn't do it slowly though, so that may be the reason. I prefer the Original over the Clumping personally after trying each.

I was using it in the enclosed litter box that I had used for the traditional litter and while it was working fine when I came across a litter box specially designed for the Original Feline Pine and read the testimonials I knew I wanted to try it our for myself.

When I notice it's been used I give it a quick shake and the pellets that have absorbed urine will have softened and turn into a kind of saw dust falling through the little holes. I keep mine in the bathroom near the toilet so I can easily flush the solids. Because I do this often, the litter box looks fresh and clean virtually all the time, and it takes an extra 5 seconds, or -at most- a minute if there are solids in the tray. This litter box goes hand in hand with Feline Pine making for the most enjoyable experience with cat litter I have ever had. Enjoyable you ask? Yes. I enjoy how easy it is to clean this litter box, and I enjoy knowing there are no chemicals to harm kitty or my daughter.

I highly recommend Feline Pine to all cat owners, coupled with the Feline Pine Litter Box to make for the best litter experience you can have. Price wise it is comparable with traditional litter for how long it lasts, and using it with the Feline Pine Litter Box I think I am saving money.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing that I have found that is better than a covered litter box is the litter-garage.

    This is so simple and awesome!! Check it out - the installation was very easy.



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