Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Making Math a DREAM

My kids are like magnetics when it comes to a computer. While at the library they just gravitate to the computer stations and at home if I'm on the computer they want to be as well. I love to be able to provide for them educational opportunities within activities they already enjoy.

We been enjoying Dreambox Learning for the last month. Dreambox is an online interactive math game for grades K-2. The kids go on adventures while completing math challenges. One of the best things about Dreambox is that it individualized; it tailors the games to your child's current abilities and knowledge.

Since Anna is only in kindergarten math she spent a lot of time making numbers, sequencing numbers and building a number line. While Anna didn't understand the whole storyline behind the adventure, she was interested in collecting tokens for completed activities. And she did get a little bored with some of the beginning activities which she had to complete in order to move to the next adventure.

Overall, I was pleased with how Dreambox supplemented our math studies throughout the week. I was glad to know that my kids were learning and expanding on their math abilities:) And I really liked the progress reports after Anna played as well as the reminders when we had missed a few days!

Get Your Own! Dreambox Learning can be found at Right now they are offering a free trial. And since April is Math Awareness Month, anyone who signs up in April will pay $6.48 per month for as long as they use DreamBox!!! Good deal!



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