The moment I laid eyes on my daughter I was completely in love. Since she was born I have wanted to give her nothing but the best...both inside and out. Once it came time for me to choose what vitamins I would be nourishing my daughter with, the choice was easy.
Nutrilite Brainiums DHA Gummies are enriched with key omega 3 fatty acids. Omegas help with focus, concentration and learning. One HUGE factor that helped me choose the Brainiums is the fact that they don't have any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives! These chewies (that's what they are called in our house) don't have that fishy taste either that so many of the others have. They come in two flavors,
lemon and fruit punch...the fruit punch is a must in our house! I must admit, my husband and I sneak a few from time to time as well.

Another huge factor in us deciding on the "Nutrilite brand" was all the research they put into their products. After all, they have been around for over 75 years now so they must know what they are doing! :)
GET YOUR OWN: You can find these fabulous gummies plus any other Nutrilite vitamin by clicking
here. The brainiums are $35.49.
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