Unfortunately flu season is just around the corner and the inevitably sickies aren't far behind. As a parent, the best thing we can do is try to stay healthy, but be prepared and brace ourselves for anything and everything those nasty germs can throw our way.
Fortunately for us parents, technology has come a long way in the past few years and getting a clinically accurate temperature (in the middle of the night) is not as hard as it used to be.
The Temple Touch Thermometer by ReliOn is different from other thermometers because it's completely non-invasive. Suddenly obtaining that temperature on a fussy, sick baby is easy.
I've had the Temple Touch for awhile now and fortunately have only had to use it twice. I love it because it was easy to get that temp on my 2 year old even as she slept. I Simply held it up to her temple, waited 6 seconds, and that was it - I had my reading.
Costing only $9.94, the Temple Touch is a product you just don't want to be without this coming Flu Season.
BUY IT NOW! Temple Touch can be purchased at Wal-Mart, Sams Club and online.
WIN YOUR OWN! We have one Temple Touch Thermometer to give away to a lucky Simple reader. Simply leave us a comment letting us know one tip/trick you have for keeping your family healthy during the cold winter months.
Additional Entries (comment each additional entry):
- Blog about this giveaway linking back to SIMPLE and the Temple Touch.
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- Tweet this giveaway (include us in your tweet, we are @simplereviews)
One thing I do is have my son wash his hands as soon as he gets home from school. He rarely gets sick, but I think he is a carrier that brings things home to the rest of us
ReplyDeleteI am a follower of simple.
ReplyDeleteHand washing is a must here!
ReplyDeleteWe try to eat healthy and handwashing
We do lots of hand washing followed by a dollop of hand sanitizer.
ReplyDeleteOh, this would be so helpful!
ReplyDeleteWe practice standard precautions: washing hands, not sharing drinks/foods, using hand sanitizer. We also eat well and try to exercise, spending time outside even when it's cold out!
Lots of handwashing and hand sanitizer, and trying not to touch door knobs, handrails, etc in public!
ReplyDeleteALWAYS wash hands upon entering the household. This keeps the germs from spreading in the house on objects used by everyone. If I find out someone who has recently visited just came down with something, I take a Clorox wipe to door knobs, remotes and other items that could have been touched. I am a germ-a-phobe!
ReplyDeleteWe don't worry about it too much around here. We just do the usual...handwashing and avoid other sick kiddos.
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower.
ReplyDeleteWe wash our hands alot and buy ton of the hand sanitizer for when we can not wash.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I am going to try and do this cold season is stop giving my kids chewing gum. They are both tempted to play with it leading to fingers in mouth. I also will push the OJ and vitamins as well. Good luck to everyone!!
ReplyDeletewe stay away from sick people!!!
ReplyDeleteWe are avid users of hand sanitizer. We should own stock in the company! =) We us that to tide us over until we can use soap and water. My daughter is always picking up colds and has asthma, so we have to be very careful We try to avoid places like play areas where parents are apt to let their children play even if sick.
ReplyDeleteWe always have the kids wash their hands as soon as they walk in the door.
ReplyDeleteI am a follower.
ReplyDeletehand washing and cover mouths & noses (followed by more hand washing...)
ReplyDeletealready a simple google follower ;-)
ReplyDeleteI wash my baby's hands as often as possible!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower on Reader!
ReplyDeletecleanweel, my oldest can't use purell and such (it makes her skin peel off) so we use cleanwell
ReplyDeleteLike most others have said, lots of hand washing! We also are sure to get lots of rest, to get tissues to the trash, and disinfect things if someone is sick.
We do lots of hand washing with antibacterial soap.
ReplyDeletetalonsmom731 at gmail dot com
http://goyay.blogspot.com/2009/09/temple-touch-thermometer-giveaway_09.html - blog post
ReplyDeletetalonsmom731 at gmail dot com
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ReplyDeletetalonsmom731 at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/talonsmom731/statuses/3866603057 - tweet
ReplyDeletetalonsmom731 at gmail dot com
Wash hands! We also use purell or other foam sanitzers.
ReplyDeleteFollow you on Google Reader
ReplyDeleteWe are washing heands and using sanitizers like crazy!
ReplyDelete(But my 10yo is home sick with a 102.5 fever as we speak- crossing fingers its not swine flu!)
Am a follower on Blogger.
ReplyDeleteWe eat properly and exercise - keep yourself fit and your health will follow.
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI blogged your contest! http://www.cancontests.com/2009/09/contests-from-elsewhere-win-temple_09.html
Thank you!
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ReplyDeleteTweeted! :) http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/statuses/3869283619
Thank you!
Teaching my children the fine of art of proper handwashing was the key to keeping the whole house from getting sick!
We try to eat a lot of healthy food and drink lots of water. I think it helps!
ReplyDeletedrink lots of water to cleanse the insides of our little bodies :)
ReplyDeleteI push hand washing on everyone in my house. I even keep wipes in my purse for on the go handwashing.
ReplyDeleteAt least two or three times a week, I spray all of the door knobs, appliance handles, and bathroom handles with lysol. I learned this trick when I was teaching day care in college and I think it makes a difference for our family in how often we are sick.
ReplyDeleteGood hygiene,of course, but also healthy eating & regular exercise.
ReplyDeleteWe all take great vitamins, eat healthy and handwashing!
ReplyDeleteLots of hand washing and eating healthy.
ReplyDeleteWash hands
ReplyDeletewash your hands and sanitize the phone and door knobs!
ReplyDeleteWe eat healthy to keep away the winter bugs: fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, lots of water, no processed foods! Keeps us well!
ReplyDeletehi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com
We wash hands often
ReplyDeleteWe take vitamin C regularly.
ReplyDeleteHandwashing and hand gel I keep a small one in my handbag
ReplyDeleteMy tip is to always disinfect the handle on the grocery cart at the store.
ReplyDeleteWell, isolation would work. Too bad it's impossible. I guess handwashing is all you can do...
temple touch thermometer
Wash your hands CONSTANTLY!
ReplyDeletekatiekarr at gmail dot com
keeping our hands washed and making sure to drink plenty of water to keep us hydrated at all times.
ReplyDeleteI know one thing that always seems to help is making sure everyone gets a full night's sleep.
ReplyDeleteWe try to keep our hands away from our nose and mouth.
ReplyDeletetooluckyducky AT hotmail DOT com
lots of hand washing and hand sanitizer when washing is not possible, no sharing drinks.
ReplyDeleteI make a lot of soup. Soup is good for the soul!
We make handwashing mandatory. We even carry the hand sanitizer in te car. Also take our vitamins and avoid anyone that is sick.
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower
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ReplyDeleteMake sure to cover your mouth when you cough and was your hand a lot.
we ALWAYS wash our hands frequently- especially after getting home from the store, church, school- it prevents so much!
To keep my kids as healthy as possible, I love giving them primadolphilus chewables. It helps keep our immunity up!!
ReplyDeletewe always use hand santiizer!
ReplyDeleteThanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
We was our hands all the time to keep germs away
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We use lysol disinfectant alot, hand sanitizers and cover our mouths when we sneeze or cough so as not to spread more germs to everyone else in the household. Of course hand washing goes without saying. We do not visit others when we are sick and hope they too have enough common sense not to come to our home when they are sick.
Became a follower of SIMPLE
There have been conflicting reports about the safety of this but other than washing hands, we hand santize all day long, load up with vitamin C and Emergen-C
I follow you on twitter and tweeted here http://twitter.com/lastnerve2000/status/3952202981
I blogged about it here
I follow your blog
We constantly use hand sanitizer
ReplyDeleteWe constantly use hand sanitizer
Purell and lots of hand washing.
ReplyDeleteLots of handwashing,exercise and eat healthy.
Our best trick is to wash hands frequently, especially when coming home.
ReplyDeleteAnd keep our hands away from our face.
I'm following your blog -google friend connect.
We always get a flu shot each year and I encourage everyone to wash their hands as much as possible! Thanks!
Everyone has their own separate towel for handwashing, different colors so it's easily identifiable. Sharing a towel in the bathroom or kitchen after washing hands simply creates a breeding ground for viruses and germs.
ReplyDeleteWe always wash our hands and cover our mouths when coughing or sneezing.
We make sure to eat healthy and take a multivitamin everyday.
ReplyDeletelots of hand sanitizer, I have it in both of my boys' rooms in the kitchen and in my diaper bag!
we wash our hands often. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteWe do a lot of germx. Try to keep the germs away. It seems to work pretty well are daughter does not get sick that much.
ReplyDeleteI make sure my family drinks lots of water and juice, I make sure they have juice and food with Vitamin c, we also wash our hands and use sanitizer, when in public when at all possible I have taught them how to use their elbows or feet to open doors etc, also plenty of rest, don't get over exercised or over worked as that weakens the bodys chance at fighting off germs.
ReplyDeleteThank you so very very much
I'm a follower and subscriber
ReplyDeleteThank you so very very much
I'm a twitter follower
I twitted this giveaway
@simplereviews http://bit.ly/dRiXA
less than 5 seconds ago from web
Thank you so very very much
Handwashing is Germ-fighting 101. I also avoid indoor play areas and prefer to spend time in the fresh air playgrounds.
ReplyDeleteHandwashing is the first step. Also, try to avoid too much cold exposure, it weakens the immune system. I invest in good winter coats and gear.
wash hands more often!
Hand washing, hand washing, hand washing. I know it's probably been said a thousand times but it's really the first step to staying healthy!!
Well for a tip I'd say to sanitize your doorknobs, phones, sink knobs, pc keyboard and light-switches often. Dont let germs build up on these things as you tough these things maybe more than other things.
Im following on google friend as lighthouse27
ReplyDeleteLots of homemade foods - salsa and spaghetti sauce from garden veggies, chicken soup, etc.
ReplyDeleteTweeted- http://twitter.com/litehouse27/status/3994144325
ReplyDeleteTo ward off any type of illness, I ensure that my children get immunized each fall with the current influenza vaccine!
ReplyDeleteI also make sure that I remind my children to wash their hands frequently to avoid getting sick. They should wash up before eating and after using the restroom, sharing toys, coughing and blowing their nose.
I ensure that they get enough sleep and rest for a stronger immune system, which in turn helps their bodies fight off infection.
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/
I own CoolCanucks.ca, which is a Canadian Contest and Freebie site. This giveaway is posted here:
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/
I follow on Twitter as coolcanucks and I tweeted!
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/
Hand Sanatizer is our best friend right now
We eat healthy!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
Wash our hands a lot, and drink OJ. Thanks :)
ReplyDeletetell them to keep their hands away from eyes, nose, and mouth
at sbcglobal.net
We just stay fit and healthy. Take our vitamins and of course was our hands
ReplyDeleteHand washing is very important as well as healthy foods and vitamins.
ReplyDeletefollowing the blog
ReplyDeleteKeeping our hands clean.
ReplyDeleteWe do a lot of hand-washing and use a lot of hand sanitizer.
ReplyDeletewe stay healthy through the cold season by washing hands often and taking vitamins
ReplyDeleteEat healthy and use hand sanitizer when you can't wash hands. The kids take it to school also.
a good diet with lots of fruits and vegetables
ReplyDeleteDefinitely washing hands frequently and properly.
ReplyDeleteI try and get the kids to drink more water and remind them not to drink after other people.
ReplyDeleteHand washing, lots of vitamin C, orange juice and cough in to your arm for goodness sakes! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWe have antibacterial handwipes individually packaged that we use all the time!
ReplyDeleteseanandmeghanvt at gmail.com
We all wash our hands when we come in from somewhere. I tell them not to touch their eyes, ears, nose or mouth and we eat organic when we can and take omega 3s and other supplements.
ReplyDeleteChristina - xristya@rock.com - Lots of handwashing and using bacterial wipes!
ReplyDeleteLots of handwashing and having a good amount of vitamin C.
ReplyDeletewashing our hans getting plenty of rest and eating healthy thanks.
ReplyDeleteWe remove our shoes at the door before we enter into the house proper and we immediately wash our hands.
ReplyDeleteWe wash our hands constantly and wash down dooe handles in our house.
ReplyDeletereneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
we try to eat lots of fruits and veggies :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with the majority of posters.
Oohh...I want one.
ReplyDeleteWe use hand sanitizer all the time
ReplyDeleteWash your hands and cover your cough :)
ReplyDeleteWe wash our hands and use hand sanitizer oftern
ReplyDeleteWe wash hands, try and stay away from sick people and take vitamin C.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog.
I blogged.