Friday, December 31, 2010

Random Acts of Zhu!

When I was contacted with the opportunity to giveaway approximately 100 zhu zhu pets, I jumped on it! There are SO many people in need this holiday season, I figured the least I could do was take a little time to fill out some forms, coordinate a charity in need and schedule a delivery, and hopefully be chosen to participate. Cepia, LLC - the makers of ZhuZhu Pets® and Kung Zhu™ - chose me on behalf of SIMPLE Reviews, to take part in this special charitable initiative!

“Random Acts of Zhu” was established last holiday season as a way to provide toys to children in need. This year, they invited me to share in the joy of giving.

The charity that I chose was Safe Haven Ministries. I initially heard about this from fellow SIMPLE mom and friend, Carinn. What a great thing! I learned SO much about them just for the little while I was there. I was given a tour of their facility and learned more about them than what was shown on their website. The timing was perfect for this donation too because the following week after I contacted them, they were putting together a "toy drive" for all the mother's who couldn't get gifts for their kids this year. It was just perfect timing!

Here is a little more about Safe Haven Ministries:

Safe Haven Ministries offers comprehensive domestic abuse services to women and their children as well as community education and prevention programs. Unique for our expertise in faith and domestic abuse issues, we also offer spiritual counsel for women who request it, as well as training for faith leaders.

shannonsignature copy*I was not compensated for this post nor was I given any product for my own personal use. I did this on my own terms and gave the zhu zhu pets to Safe Haven Ministries.*

1 comment:

  1. Awesome opportunity!! And it sounds like a great charity!

    My daughter just got to pick out a gift using a gift card she was given and chose a Zhu-zhu pet....

    so I'm sure they were eagerly and excitedly received just like hers was in our home;)


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