Saturday, April 23, 2011

our new simple moms!!

Here is the OFFICIAL announcement!

Please welcome our two newest additions to the SIMPLE REviews team!

First, here is a little about Erin and after her information you will find information on Andrea!

Please say hello and you will be seeing them in the next few weeks here on SIMPLE!

erinsimple2 squareErin :: Reviewer
I am loving every moment I'm blessed to spend as a full-time wife and mama (Katherine Faith, 9 months) . For me, nothing is more important or fulfilling than making our house a home for my family, and I am passionate about encouraging and equipping other women as they do the same! When I'm not doing laundry or color-coding the family calendar, I enjoy cooking, reading, music, and indulging my inner (though novice!) runner, crafter and green-thumb.
Tweet Me: @suburbanutopia

andreasimpleprofile squareAndrea :: Reviewer
I've been married to my wonderful husband since July 2006 and in May of 2010 we welcomed our son, Eli James, into this world. We're currently expecting #2 and enjoying every second of parenthood. I am a stay-at-home-mom and when I'm not changing diapers or wiping away tears, I try to make time for my passion - photography. I also love a heart pounding workout, decorating my home, trying out a new recipe and getting lost in a good book. I'm a sucker for coupons and just love it when I find a good deal!
Tweet Me: @andrea_teresa


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