While doing laundry is anything but exciting (although I must admit, it is my favorite household chore, for real), Bounce has launched a fun (and silly) event called "Bar & Sheet Hit the Street" on their Facebook page.
What they are looking for, is creative and funny ways that their Bounce Fantatics can use the Bounce Dryer Bar and Dryer Sheets for outside of the laundry room.
Convince a cop to hand out a Bounce Dryer Bar instead of a ticket? Use a box of Dryer Sheets to cross people at a crosswalk? Nothing is too crazy for these fanatics. Watch and be inspired:
I've thought of a few ideas of my own, including sticking a bar under the armpits of some of the dude at the gym I work at. Or how about replacing all the diet cokes in my husbands work vending machine with bars? And then there is my personal favorite, using dryer sheets to stuff my bra, although I'm sure the Bounce Fanatics will go with that idea.
Every Saturday to Monday until May 27th, head over to Facebook.com/Bounce
and leave a comment on the wall to share your crazy ideas.
The three best ideas will be picked, and Bounce Fans will be able to vote on which idea gets made into a video by the Bounce Fanatics.
On Tuesday through Thursday, while they wait for the winning video to be announced, created, and posted on the Bounce Facebook page, Fans can enter for the chance to win a special, limited-edition “B-Shirt.”
On Friday, the winning idea and video will be posted, in an exciting moment of fame and glory for the winning fan!
The process repeats every week until May 27th. Have fun and be creative!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by One2One Network.

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